We are accepting PayPal or eCheck Payments

Before Payment

Please do not buy the license (unlimited version) until you are knowledgeable with the demo version and really need the full version.

If you've tried a demo program, liked it, accepted all our concepts and would like to help to improve the program - join us and purchase the license.

How to make a Payment

We are providing this software on an AS IS basis, without guarantee and support. You have to accept a full responsibility and risks associated with this Software. To make a payment please visit www.paypal.com and send money $20 USA to gigamillions@yahoo.com

After Payment

Once your payment is completed you will be redirected to our page with the key info. If it does not happen, please contact us and we will e-mail you the license KEY. Please provide and use ONLY VALID E-mail address otherwise we will be not able to send you the key. Any problem with getting or entering KEY - send us email to to "gigamillions@yahoo.com".